Use Social Media To Find Hundreds of Leads On-Line
Stand Out From The Crowd!

With so many people plugging into the internet these days, social media sites such as Facebook is  becoming the hot place to meet new prospects. The major advantage to Facebook is that it is easy to find large groups of your ideal prospects, so you don’t have to find people one at a time. Here are some tips to help you navigate the on-line ocean.

Facebook: Do a search for your ideal prospect (in the search bar at the top of their website) to find the groups or pages that exist for your market.

Looking for a stay at home mom? Put those words in the search bar, and you’ll find plenty of groups, ‘fan pages’ and even blogs where hundreds of these women are already gathering.

Do the same for realtors,  lawyers, baby boomers, financial planners, teachers, small business owners, or just about any other target market you can think of, and I know you find several places these kinds of people are gathering on Facebook.

Besides searching for your target market by name – ask yourself, “WHO would my ideal prospects follow?” Who would need a dental or medical plan? 
For example,
  *  Self employed People
  *  Small Businesses
  *  Medicare/Medicad People
There are thousands of stay-at-home-mom’s connected to Oprah’s page on Facebook and even more on her Twitter profile. You can connect to Oprah’s page, and start networking and creating relationships with the many moms you’ll find here.  Looking for people into fitness and wellness? Check out the triathalon or yoga groups and pages.

Think outside the box and think strategically!  What topics would be of interest to your target market? Baby boomers and retirees may be connected to the AARP page, small business people are connected to Fast Company’s page, etc. Facebook currently has over 700 million users globally, so you can bet your ideal prospects are on here, and they aren’t too difficult to find.

Note:  we wil be running training calls to help you find a perfect target market.